If you ever feel unhappy or think that you have the biggest problems, just remember these animals with deficiencies, happy eyes and a smile on their face and you’ll definitely get your strength back.
Faith was one of those animals who besides her shortage never stopped smiling and fighting for her life. The bipedal dog was born with three legs; two fully developed hind legs and a deformed front leg, which was amputated after it began to atrophy.
Many people, including veterinarians, advised Faith’s owner to euthanize the dog but she decided not to. Instead, she used a spoon with peanut butter to teach her how to hop first and start walking on her own after. She chose the harder way and fought with her beloved dog every day until she was able to normally function alone.
It’s one of those stories that burn your eyes and warm up your heart right? Even a book has been published detailing Faith’s story entitled “Faith Walks…A Memoir of a Beautiful Life“. On September 23, 2014, Faith passed away at the age of 11. She definitely lived a happy life thanks to her owner and the strong will for survival.