Object 825 GTS – Balaclava

Object 825 GTS Balaclava

After the WW2 Soviets have decided to strengthen their submarine fleet. Hundreds of submarines (diesel and later atomic) were in need for bases on the all USSR shores. So in the mid 50’s the construction of these bases have been started in the Severodvinsk (Arctic ocean), Vladivostok (Pacific) and Balaclava (Black Sea).

Object 825 GTS Balaclava

Balaclava is a small Crimean town not far from Sevastopol. Now, after the collapse of the Soviet Union it’s a part of Ukraine. Back in the 1957 when the construction of highly confidential “Object 825 GTS” have been started, all town became a classified area.

Object 825 GTS Balaclava

The construction of the underground submarine base in Balaclava was accomplished in 1961. Submarine maintenance plant was hollowed out in the rock and covered by 56 meters of concrete. It can survive the direct nuclear strike up to 100 kilotons.

Object 825 GTS Balaclava

In case of nuclear attack enormous one meter thick metal doors could be closed and the base could live fully autonomously for three years giving space for 3000 people – all population of Balaclava and Object 825 personnel.

Object 825 GTS Balaclava

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