They love playing while they’re little so better play with them while they’re young because when they get older, you will miss their running and biting your fingers for sure!
Cats are like people, when they grow up they prefer resting and cuddling instead of playing. But have you wondered why cats play so much more than any other animal while they’re young? There are several reasons and one of them is that play helps kittens develop eye-paw coordination and strengthen muscles. During the play, they also learn the feline rules of the road.
They learn to inhibit tooth and claw, and that chomping on their own tail hurts. Play also boosts the confidence of shy cats when they capture the feather lure at the end of a fishing-pole toy. Play distracts fearful cats in scary situations like a new house exercises the mind as well as the body. And did you know that playing with adult and senior cats lubricates the mind to reduce the chance for kitty Alzheimer’s?
Yes, so you may have to think about having a lesson from your kitty and find time to play with him every day, because the benefits are not one sided. We people always feel better around animals we can cuddle with, share love and who can make us laugh!
The little kitten’s favorite play is hiding and seeking, a game where they always play the hide part and you always have to seek them on places you’ve never thought they can be! When you find them, you always wonder how can they always hide into some funny place and still look that adorable!