The relevance of this article is that, taking into account the biological facts of evolution and the geological features characteristic of the territory of the East African rift system, it hypothesizes the effect of geoelectricity in the earth's crust on the entire biota of the Earth, as a factor among a number of other factors determining environment.
The East African Rift System is an amazing and most significant place for all of humanity. Recently, archaeological finds have convincingly confirmed that the origin of mankind occurred precisely in the eastern part of Africa. It was there that the evolution of the common human ancestor and chimpanzees to Homosapiensa took place.
If only this territory were marked by this, then it would quite legally go down in the history of mankind. But the East African rift system, which covers part of the Middle East, is the focus of significant artifacts for the history of mankind, stages of development, and probably not only for humanity, but also for previous civilizations. This permeates the whole culture of Egypt with truly cyclopean structures. Ancient cities with temple complexes in modern Israel. The ancient city of Baalbek in the territory of modern Lebanon. Recently discovered artifacts in Ethiopia.
The Great African Lakes with their unique biological systems are located on the territory of the East African Rift System, the evolution of which could continue to this day, if not for the anthropogenic factor. Hearing the word Africa, there is always an association with a hot climate. Therefore, for many of us, this factor fits well with the evolutionary conditions, although the “refined” Homosapiens has dark skin, but we will be explained that Europeans and other peoples of the World have finally got their appearance as a result of the adaptation of Homosapiens to local living conditions.
Then a naive (private opinion) idea arises that the evolution that has occurred and is occurring is the result of a random set of circumstances - a random mutation “multiplied” by natural selection. But there is one factor that is present in all biota on Earth. This is electricity. All biota is immersed in this energy and the fact that it is saturated with this from the inside only confirms that this energy was not only present at the origin of life from the microworld, but was also one of the most important factors of evolution. On the other hand, they do not actually exist from the forces known to us except electricity, which could attract, repel or be neutral. Animals are generally walking power plants. Bacteria that do not have their own metachondria live in an environment filled with electricity. For example, in the human body several kilograms of bacteria. The earth’s crust is the fullest refuge of bacteria. And if bacteria live in the earth's crust, then this indicates that they are good there. There is water, a nutrient medium. There is, according to the author of this article, an upward flow of geoelectricity. And there is no fatal solar radiation for many of them.
If life on Earth did not come from Cosmos, but the evolution of living things occurred from simple to complex, then the earth’s crust may well be its “cradle”. In this case, the flow of geoelectricity becomes the energy guarantor of the emergence of life. The hypothesis of geoelectricity, born of the planet itself, is present in the last articles of the author. Using this hypothesis, it was possible to harmonize (a private opinion) the idea of individual phenomena, both on Earth and in the solar system , , , , , . Geoelectricity (excess electrons), in accordance with the previously stated hypothesis , is formed in the central part of the Earth, where the pressure exceeds a certain threshold value. Due to the properties of the propagation of electricity, excess electrons participate in the formation of the Earth’s dipole magnetic field, heating the Earth’s mantle and partially accumulate at the boundary of the mantle and the Earth’s crust. Part of the accumulated geoelectricity flows into the earth's crust. In the earth's crust, geoelectricity naturally rushes to the surface and participates in the process of heating as a conventional electrical conductor.
This article attempts to look at the East African rift system from the point of view of the existence of geoelectricity coming from the depths of the Earth and the influence of this energy flow on the biota, including humans. In this article, from this perspective, the GREATEST SANCTUITY - the Church of the Holy Sepulcher will be considered and an attempt will be made to substantiate the phenomena that occurred earlier and are occurring in it at the present time from a physical point of view. There is confidence that there is nothing reprehensible in this, since the laws of science, if they are true themselves, are the intention of the CREATOR. And the time will come when all manifestations of man will be harmonized with nature and our idea of TRUTH.
This article attempts to look at the East African rift system from the point of view of the existence of geoelectricity coming from the depths of the Earth and the influence of this energy flow on the biota, including humans. In this article, from this perspective, the GREATEST SANCTUITY - the Church of the Holy Sepulcher will be considered and an attempt will be made to substantiate the phenomena that occurred earlier and are occurring in it at the present time from a physical point of view. There is confidence that there is nothing reprehensible in this, since the laws of science, if they are true themselves, are the intention of the CREATOR. And the time will come when all manifestations of man will be harmonized with nature and our idea of TRUTH.
This article addresses the issue of the influence of geoelectricity on the livelihoods of the largest group of living organisms - microbes. An assumption has been put forward about the direct relationship of microbes in the earth's crust and the emergence of oil and gas deposits.
The issues raised in the article are mainly presented at a qualitative level, that is, at the level of an idea, which corresponds to the title of the article.
Southeast Africa as a place of evolution
Our human race is extremely lucky that conditions have formed in a separate territory of Africa that have led to the slow evolution of hominins. Over the course of several million years, a leap has been made from a common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees to Homosapiensa. The following are the individual stages of archaeological discoveries related to the evolution of hominins. The places of detection of archaeological finds of the corresponding evolutionary forms are presented, as well as their certain characteristic. For convenience of identifying the place of discovery of archaeological finds, you can use Fig. 1 , which depicts the borders of states and the largest African lakes that are part of the East African rift system. The Republic of Chad is located a little northwest of South Sudan.
Separate stages of archaeological discoveries are presented based on materials , , . These include both individual forms close to the common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees, and hominins:
- Sahelanthropustchadensis - a form corresponding to the ideas of how a common ancestor of man and chimpanzees could look. This find was made in 2001, Lake Chad. Her age is 6-7 million years ;
- Orrorintugenensis - a form close to the common ancestor of man and chimpanzees. This find was made in 2000, Kenya. Her age is about 6 million years ;
- The first representative of the genus Australopithecus, approximately 4.2 mil. years. In 2000, a well-preserved skeleton of a young Afar Australopithecus (Australopithecusafarensis), most likely a girl of three years old, who lived 3.3 million years ago, was found in Ethiopia. The brain volume for Australopithecus was 400-450 cm3 ;
- Imprints of traces of Australopithecus from Laetoli (northern Tanzania), whose age is about 3.6 million years. The gait of these Australopithecus was almost the same as that of modern humans ;
- Homohabilis - a representative of hominin, who was the first to make the simplest stone tools. Habilis brain volume averaged 650 cm3. The first specimen was discovered by archaeologists Mary and Louis Leakey in November 1960 in the Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania ;
- Homoergaster - a representative of hominins with an increased brain volume, which ranges from 750 to 1250 cm³. In 1971, on the sandy cape of Koobi Fora on the eastern shore of Lake Turkana in northern Kenya, Richard Leakey found the well-preserved lower jaw of this hominin (Homoergaster appears about 1.9 million years ago) .
In addition, it should be noted that “A comparative analysis of the mitochondrial DNA and Y chromosomes of modern people has shown that humanity comes from a small population that lived in East Africa 160-200 thousand years ago. … And it is very interesting that the most ancient fossils of anatomically modern people are found just in this area and have just about this age. They were discovered in 1967 in the south of Ethiopia by Richard Leakey, however, the age of these bones was only recently determined precisely. It turned out that these skulls are 195 thousand years old (see: 195,000 years ago, “anatomically modern” people lived in Ethiopia). … The first exit of sapiens from Africa - according to archaeological data - took place about 135-115 thousand years ago. The first exit did not lead to far-reaching consequences, the sapiens in Asia Minor were soon disappearing. 90-85 thousand years ago there was a second exit of sapiens from Africa. And from this small group of emigrants subsequently came the whole of extra-African humanity ”.
Once standing on the “podium of evolution”, Homosapiens never allowed anyone to be equal with himself. It is believed that this is a consequence of its rather high aggressiveness. But you cannot blame him for this. Time and manners were harsh then! In addition, evolution endowed our closest ancestor with relative omnivorousness. This expanded his "gastronomic" assortment, which only increased his vitality. But the main factor ensuring his “invincibility” is his enlarged brain.
On the territory of East Africa, not only the evolution of hominins took place, but also the multiple evolution of aquatic inhabitants in some lakes was recorded. Figure 1 shows the territory of the Eastern Rift Valley with lakes deposited on it. According to A.V. Markov, Doctor of Biological Sciences, in some lakes evidence was found of the presence of intermediate forms of evolution among the inhabitants of these lakes. In the Great African Lakes Victoria, Malawi (the new name is Nyasa), Tanganyika, Tana, originally from a very small number of ancestral fish species of the cichlid family, hundreds of species were formed. Approximately 500 species in each large lake. It took from several hundred thousand to several million years.
In Ethiopia, in the relatively young Lake Tana, which is about 30 thousand years old from one large barbel, Barbus intermedius, 14 new evolutionary forms have formed over 20-30 thousand years. Obviously, these facts indicate that this territory is favorable for the evolution of biota living on it, and this should be explained.
East African Rift System
On the territory of the East African rift system there are active and extinct volcanoes, mountain ranges, which in fact can be considered as the "Roof of the Continent." Here are the highest peaks in Africa (over 5 thousand meters): Kilimanjaro (5895 meters), Kenya (5199 meters), Marguerite peak (5109 meters), as well as Mount Meru (4567 meters) and Elgon ( 4321 m.), Virunga volcanic highlands. Basically, these are freestanding mountains, near which there are vast plains and savannahs.
The system of Great African Lakes has already been mentioned, among which Lake Victoria is the largest in area - 69,485 square kilometers, and which does not belong to rift lakes in its geology. The deepest is Lake Tanganyika, commensurate in depth and structure with the rift lake Baikal. A significant part of the Great African Lakes is formed due to the formation of the rift system. This can be seen from Fig. 3, which shows the rift ledges that frame most of the lakes.
The East African rift system has been developing since the Oligocene in a tensile environment. Volcanism concentrated along the rift zone. Large volcanic masses Kilimanjaro and Kenya were laid The opening of the East African rift system continues at a speed of 4 mm per year (in the region of the Ethiopian rift), which leads to the gradual separation of the Somali block from Africa. “The continental crust under the rift system of East Africa has a reduced thickness (about 25 km); in the southern part of the Afar basin, the crust thickness is reduced to 13 km, and in the northern part it is replaced by an oceanic type crust. The heat flow in the region is increased by 2 times or more. Seismic activity is high ”. The noted geological features of the East African rift system indicate that the surface of this territory is more accessible for influence on it from the side of the Earth's mantle.
In previous works of the author of this article, it is expressed, not without reason (private opinion), that the Earth’s mantle and especially its boundary with the Earth’s crust are saturated with geoelectricity, which penetrates the surface of the Earth’s crust with difficulty, but , , . Such penetration of geoelectricity becomes more intense during the period of tectonic activity, which occurs on the territory of the East African rift system. This is probably the reason for the increased heat flux, since the earth's crust in this area becomes a conductor of electricity, which thus heats up. Obviously, only part of the electric flow is spent on thermal energy. The rest of the electric current (possibly smaller) permeates the surface of this territory. Such a territory on the surface of the Earth is not the only one.
Above the text of this article, it was noted that as a result of the evolution of biota, biological life was created, which itself was filled with electricity. Based on this, it can be concluded that the flows of geoelectricity are that external energy that is directly involved in the evolutionary process, creating biological forms adapted to the environment.
To a greater extent, this applies to the simplest biological forms - bacteria, viruses, and possibly something else. These are those that lack their own energy source, such as in cells with mitochondria in developed biological forms. Nevertheless, an external source of electricity (geoelectricity) undoubtedly played a significant role in the evolutionary process, even if due to additional mutations (private opinion). Thus, the territory of the East African rift system, according to the author of this article, can be reckoned among ecosystems with more intense evolutionary potency. Such territories may include, for example, black smokers at the bottom of the oceans, individual geothermal springs, and it is possible that there are many such territories not only on the surface of the earth's crust, but also in its depths.
Bacteria as a marker of geoelectricity
Bacteria are the largest living single-celled organisms on Earth. Their main habitat is the earth's crust. To a much lesser extent, they are present in airspace, and this is only due to drops of moisture. For many bacteria, the atmosphere is an aggressive environment due to solar radiation. Some of their representatives really like to live in plants and animals by “mutual agreement”. Some of them feel good in thermal springs. But most of the bacteria live in water and in the ground.
More recently, information has passed that a huge kingdom of unknown life was discovered underground. It turned out that as a result of drilling under the continents and oceans to a depth of up to five kilometers below the land surface, and up to 10 km below the ocean surface, one hundred trillion quadrillion living organisms were discovered. It was estimated that the total carbon mass of this new biota is from 15 to 23 gigatons, while the total mass of mankind is 0.06 gigatons of carbon. It was found that the found underground ecosystem contains up to 70% of all types of terrestrial microbes. And these microbes found at such a depth are also good.
If by now the majority of bacteria are not described, then taking into account the opening of the “new kingdom”, microbiologists will have to do a great job. The material presented convinces us that the “real” life is “seething” not on the surface, but deep under our feet. But is it necessary for such a large army of living organisms to have appropriate energy resources? And indirect evidence that these resources exist is provided by the bacteria themselves.
From it follows that in bacteria "… important biochemical reactions, such as the formation of ATP, occur due to the concentration gradient of certain ions on opposite sides of the membrane, which creates a potential difference, like in a battery." This means that the space in which the bacteria are located has an electric charge different from that which fills the bacterium from the inside. Thus, it can be argued that the source of energy for bacteria is an external electric current that has a negative charge, since otherwise the movement of positive ions would occur, which is equivalent to the movement of matter. But this does not happen.
If the hypothesis of the existence of geoelectricity is harmonious for bacteria, then we can assume that the rest of the microbial world uses the same mechanisms of energy supply. Everything that works well for one, evolution does not have to reconsider for another, living in the same environment. It is possible that this reasoning will seem amateurish, but in support of it one can rely on the idea that life cannot appear without an initial energy flow. Suffice it to recall the black smokers at the bottom of the oceans.
If the flow of geoelectricity exists, then we can assume its total power, based on the total mass of all microbes under the earth and water surface. In addition, the difference between the newly found microbes from those already known to us can be explained by the natural increase in the flow of geoelectricity at a greater depth.
In connection with the new discoveries cited, which make it possible to at least approximately evaluate the “power of the underworld”, one can come closer to the conditions for the emergence of oil and gas. After all, this “power of the underworld” consists largely of hydrocarbons. This topic may seem outside the scope of this article, but it is very curious and appropriate from the point of view of converting one form of energy - geoelectricity, into another form of energy - heat (oil and gas). If we consider only a static situation, then the life of the considered microbial space is approximately stable. The use of microbes in the form of biomass for its further transformation, possibly in the case of a change in the habitat of microbes, as a result of which the microbes die.
And there is such a mechanism. This is a periodic glaciation of the Earth, which begins with tectonic activity and an increase in the average temperature on the planet, and then a gradual decrease in the average temperature. It is also accompanied by a change in the flow of geoelectricity in the earth's crust. The author of this article addressed the issue of glaciation and the influence of geoelectricity on processes in the earth's crust in . This may be those factors that create conditions in separate spaces of the earth's crust that are incompatible for the normal existence of microbes and the conversion of hydrocarbons from decayed microbes to other chemical compounds. There were several dozen such glaciations in the history of the Earth.
In addition, it is necessary to consider the processes associated with the inversion of the Earth's magnetic field. In , the question of the inversion of the Earth’s magnetic field was considered, which occurs in the case of a radical change in the structure inside the Earth caused by heating and convection of matter in the space where the magnetic field is formed. Simultaneously with these processes, in the region of the axis of rotation of the Earth in the direction of the opposite pole, a new structure is formed by generating the Earth's magnetic field opposite to the previous one. Over the entire history of the Earth, inversions of the magnetic field have been detected many tens of times. At the same time, the climatic conditions in the hemispheres change, especially in the territories adjacent to the poles. Perhaps raising or lowering certain territories. All this is due to a change in the temperature regime inside the Earth.
All of the above affects the state of the temperature regime of the earth's crust. Obviously, in this case, the temperature regime in a certain area of the presence of microbes can be significantly changed to a state incompatible with their life. All dead biomass of hydrocarbons can be used for further chemical transformations.
In the process of converting biomass, centrifugal forces from the rotation of the Earth will shift it to the equatorial side. On the way to this side, this biomass will change under the influence of the environment. On the way to the equator, the converted biomass can accumulate in confined spaces. In the future, these accumulations may become oil and gas deposits.
In this design for the formation of oil and gas, the process of restoring oil and gas fields after dozens or more years naturally looks like. During this period, new hydrocarbon flows that were originally closer to the poles may flow into the initial field. Over time, this source will also dry up, but another glaciation or two inversions of the magnetic field will pass and new biomass formations will appear to replenish old or create new deposits. This is certainly an optimistic scenario, but possible.
Among the existing hypotheses of the origin of oil, the most popular hypotheses are:
- Biogenic or organic theory of the origin of oil;
- Abiogenic or inorganic theory of the origin of oil;
- The theory of the cosmic origin of oil.
The assumption expressed in this article about the origin of oil and gas is closest to organic theory, although it assumes plants and animals that are at the bottom of various water bodies as a source of hydrocarbons.
Microbiologists, given the ubiquitous and significant presence of microorganisms, joke that on Earth the dominant factor is not humans, but microorganisms. Surprisingly, this can be TRUE.
One can imagine what would have happened if a modern man had not appeared. Gas and oil fields accumulated. Obviously, in this process, quantity would go into quality. The saturation of the Earth with oil and gas is quite capable of undermining the living space, both for microorganisms and for the entire biota. With the advent of modern man, who, with varying degrees of success, converts hydrocarbons into gas, heat, and objects useful for his life, the tragedy is probably pushed into the future.
Maybe this is the main purpose of humanity on Earth. They say that hominins at a certain stage of their development occupied a niche of scavengers. It is likely that this is not accidental. It was their way of survival. If the suggested assumption about the origin of oil and gas is true, then the human activity for the conversion of oil, gas and coal (peat) can also be considered as a function necessary for cleaning the Earth from waste products of another biota. Surprisingly, this has become a prestigious job for many people.
Perhaps this is the real harmony of man with nature!
The Descent of the Holy Fire
For some time now, religion began to occupy a significant place in human society. Over the past ten thousand years, this significant factor in the life of people, like society itself, has experienced many changes. Life changed, people changed, gods changed, religion changed, but the relationship of DIVINE and MIRACULOUS remained unchanged, as sufficient conditions for the existence of both. It was especially convincing if one could see it and even touch it.
One of these MIRACLES in the Christian religion is the Descent of the Holy Fire in the temple of the Resurrection in Jerusalem. The Church of the Resurrection was built in the 4th century by Emperor Constantine and the Holy Fire was seen in the church during the first service at Easter. At the place where the blessed fire appeared, they built a chapel with the sepulcher of the Lord - it is called Kuvukliya.
“The Holy Sepulcher, or the Holy Sepulcher (Greek ΑγιοςΤάφος) - the main shrine of the Christian world, a tomb in the rock; this tomb is recognized by the Historical Churches as the place where, according to the Gospel, Jesus Christ was buried after the crucifixion and was resurrected on the third day. The tomb is the main altar of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Jerusalem ”.

“The first of the church historians to open the Holy Sepulcher is Eusenius of Caesarea in his work, The Life of Constantine.” He reports that a pagan temple was built by the Romans at the site of the cave where Jesus was buried:
Some godless and ungodly people intended to hide this saving cave from people's eyes, with an insane intention to hide the truth through it. Having used a lot of work, they brought the land from somewhere and filled up all that place with it. Then, raising the embankment to a certain height, they paved it with a stone, and under this high embankment they concealed a divine cave. Having finished such work, they could only prepare a strange, truly tomb of souls on the surface of the earth, and they built a gloomy dwelling place for dead idols, a cache of the voluptuous demon Aphrodite, where they made hated sacrifices on unclean and vile altars.
- Eusebius of Caesarea, "The Life of Constantine." III, 36.
By order of Konstantin, the embankment of the temple was torn down and “suddenly in the depths of the earth, beyond all expectations, an empty space appeared, and then the Honest and All-Holy Sign of the Resurrection Resurrection. Then the sacred cave became for us the image of the Savior returning to life ”” .
It must be recalled that Aphrodite in Greek mythology is the goddess of beauty, love, fertility, eternal spring and life, as well as the goddess of marriage and even childbirth. It is hard to imagine that a goddess with such “official duties” may be suspected of something obscene (private opinion). On the other hand, this is a very important evidence from the past, which partly sheds light on the unusualness of this place itself, which attracted to itself, setting out correctly, representatives of different beliefs, sometimes with opposite goals and means of achieving them.
This article does not set the task of revealing the purpose of the structures built earlier on this site and the meaning of sacrifice. It is only important to reflect the fact of their existence as a “marker" that emphasizes the peculiarity of this place. According to the author of this article, it is important to note that this place was originally paved with stone. This is a small touch to further narration. “By 335, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher was built over the cave by Emperor Constantine … which is currently a huge architectural complex, including Calvary with the place of the Crucifixion, Kuvukliya - a chapel in the center of the temple, hiding directly the coffin of the Sepulcher, the Anointing Stone, Kafolikon, an underground temple Findings of the Life-giving Cross, the church of St. Helena of the Equal-to-the-Apostles and several chapels ”.

From the time of construction until 1810, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, including Kuvukliya, underwent several barbaric destruction and fire in 1808, but was always restored. The last restoration was carried out in 2016 - 2017. In fig. 4 you can feel the greatness of this temple and the level of its filling by believers on Easter. The massive architecture of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher suggests a serious stone foundation, which was laid hundreds of years ago.
After a brief historical background, it is proposed to proceed directly to the procedure preceding the Descent of the Holy Fire with emphasis on certain important points. At ten o’clock in the morning of Great Saturday every year all candles, lamps and other light sources are extinguished in the temple. But in the dome of the temple of the Holy Sepulcher there is a fairly large hole (probably it has a special name) through which daylight breaks into the temple.
After twelve o'clock in the afternoon, the premises of the temple are filled with pilgrims-tourists from many states. Each of those present seeks to be an eyewitness of the wonderful Concentration of the Holy Fire. The central role in what is happening belongs to the Patriarch. Three times bypassing Kuvukliya, he stops in front of her doors.
The fact of the Descent of the Holy Fire is very important for those present and all believers on Earth.

“It is believed that the year when the Holy Fire does not descend on the Holy Sepulcher will mean the end of the world and the power of the Antichrist. Holding unlit Easter eggs (large holiday candles) in their hands, those present pray, repent of their sins and ask the Lord to give the Holy Fire ”.
In the entire history of the existence of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher there were only two cases when the fact of the Descent of the Holy Fire was not observed. The first time this happened in 1101, and the second in 1578, and all this is due to the fact that Eastern and local Christians were not allowed to attend the official ceremony. In the second case, the Orthodox Patriarch, along with other priests, was forced to pray at the gate on Easter Eve. The minions of the Armenian Church failed to see the miracle of God. One of the columns of the courtyard, in which the Orthodox prayers offered, cracked, and a pillar of fire appeared from it. In fig. 6 shows a cracked column. Since then, the agreement on the mandatory presence of Orthodox Christians in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher for Easter has been strictly valid.
“The last to enter the temple are local Orthodox Arabs. On Great Saturday, they appear in the square with songs and dances, and then enter the chapel. In it, they say ancient prayers in Arabic, in which they turn to Christ and the Mother of God. This condition is mandatory for the appearance of the Holy Fire. … According to oral tradition, during the years of British rule over Jerusalem (1918-1947), the English governor tried to ban once the "savage" dances. The Patriarch of Jerusalem prayed for two hours, but to no avail. Then the Patriarch ordered his will to let the Arab youth. After they performed the ritual, the Fire came down ”.
After completing all necessary procedures, the Patriarch enters Kuvukliya. “When the Patriarch is left alone, behind closed doors, the real sacrament begins. On his lap the Most Holy Lord prays for the message of the Holy Fire. His prayers are not heard by people outside the doors of the chapel - but they can observe their result! Blue and red flashes of flash appear on the walls, columns and icons of the temple, reminiscent of reflections during a firework. At the same time, blue lights appear on the marble slab of the Sepulcher. One of them the priest touches with a cotton ball - and the fire spreads over him. The patriarch lights a lamp with a fleece and transfers it to the Armenian bishop ”. Further, the Holy Fire is transmitted to all those present in the temple.
In 2008, the Russian physicist Andrei Volkov managed to get into Kuvukliya with special equipment. There he was able to make appropriate measurements of electromagnetic radiation. It was recorded that a few minutes before the removal of the Holy Fire from Kuvuklia, a device that fixes the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation detected a strange long-wave impulse in the church that no longer appeared.
Taking into account that the topic discussed is very important for the Christian World, the author of this article apologizes in advance for pragmatism and the unintentional possible lowering of the phenomenon itself - the Descent of the Holy Fire. The miraculousness of this phenomenon is already in the fact that the Descent of the Holy Fire is able to unite millions of people, regardless of citizenship and color. And this is a real MIRACLE in our society, whose history is permeated by wars and suffering.
According to the author of this article, the above evidence meets the condition for geoelectricity to enter the surrounding space above the earth’s surface when two mediums (air and the earth’s surface, including the built temple) are exposed to an alternating electric field, which is generated as a result of the acoustic effect on the quartz-containing building materials of the temple Holy Sepulcher and stone slabs. Earlier, attention was paid to the stone floor and the foundation of the temple, which is at least older than the walls being erected.
From the above evidence, there is an obvious relationship between the level of acoustic energy in the temple (the number of people in the temple and their emotional manifestations) with the condition of the Descent of the Holy Fire. When the acoustic energy reaches a certain limit value, “blue and red flashes of flash” begin to appear, and “blue lights appear on the marble slab of the Sepulcher”. It is likely that in this process not only the level of acoustic energy is important, but also its spectral characteristic, in which certain frequencies should dominate.
From a physical point of view, this is evidence not only of the existence of an elevated level of geoelectricity in the ground under the temple, but also the release of geoelectricity through the architectural structures of the temple (walls, floor) and Kuvukliya into the air. The flows of electrons of geoelectricity, passing through the walls of the temple and, in particular, the marble lid that covers the holy Lodge, go into the atmosphere, where there is a glow from the interaction of electrons and atoms of the atmosphere. That is why the blue-blue color dominates in the emission of this light. A similar shade is present in fluorescent lamps, which changes its spectrum, passing through a glass flask, coated from the inside with a special composition. According to historical evidence, the source of light in eternally burning lamps has the same shade . If the level of acoustic energy in the temple is insufficient, then in this case the Descent of the Holy Fire will not occur. This is confirmed by three previously cited evidence, when there were restrictions on admission to the temple for Easter.
In the case when in 1578 the Patriarch, along with other priests, was forced to pray at the gates of the church on Easter Eve, there was actually a separation of acoustic energy between the interior of the church and the outer territory. In this case, an excessive concentration of geoelectricity occurred in one of the outer columns, near which the Patriarch prayed with other priests. Geoelectricity began to penetrate upward through the outer column. She could not stand the temperature expansion and burst. An electric discharge was perceived as a lightning strike.
From a physical point of view, the above arguments allow us to draw an analogy between the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and the famous megalithic complexes like the Pyramid of Cheops and Stonehenge. Confirmation of this is evidence that the first Descent of the Holy Fire was already noticed inside the church on Easter. On the spot where this happened, Kuvukliya was later built. From the above reasoning, the following conclusions should naturally follow:
- The Church of the Holy Sepulcher was built in a special place, which in everyday life is called a place of power. It is no accident that a pagan temple was built on this site before the construction of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. Obviously, the energy emanating from this place was in demand;
- If the stated hypothesis is true, then the necessary acoustic effect inside the Church of the Holy Sepulcher can be reproduced with acoustic equipment;
- If the stated hypothesis is true, then the Descent of the Holy Fire can be not only on Easter;
- If the stated hypothesis is true, then a contradiction arises in the source of the Holy Fire. In fairness, for the sake of Earth and Heaven, they are in essence equal and integral parts of BEING. From this point of view, the source of the Holy Fire is that created by the CREATOR.
For greater certainty in this matter, it is necessary to impose the geology of this territory on this hypothesis. From fig. Figure 3 shows that the East African rift system in the form of a northern fault directly passes near the Dead Sea, from which it is only about 25 km to Jerusalem. This means that the city of Jerusalem and the temple of the Holy Sepulcher are actually located in the zone of tectonic activity, which, like the entire East African rift system, is characterized by seismic activity and increased heat flow.
Considering the nature of Homosapiensa, which has conquered the whole Earth, as well as the history of mankind, filled with blood and suffering, the very fact of the unity of people on Easter Eve around the WORLD and in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher is a WONDERFUL holiday, the decoration of which is the Descent of the Holy Fire. If there is no unity of people in the temple of the Holy Sepulcher, then it is possible that those present in the temple will be less than usual. In this case, the Descent of the Holy Fire will be in question. Physics probably agrees with this.
Observations of nature convince us that the processes of creation and destruction are eternal, as the law of unity and struggle of opposites. But creation differs from destruction in that this process is much longer, probably because the energy density of the forces of creation per unit volume is always small (private opinion). Perhaps this is precisely why the creation process has alternative development paths. It’s like a motorist driving at a high speed to an intersection with numerous options for further driving. The high speed of the car cuts off the possibility of strong turns and allows you to move only in the direction of the initial movement. As a result, possible branches of evolution become inaccessible.
Therefore, the estimated flow of geoelectricity from the depths of the Earth remains without due attention. A person usually remembers the shock of household current, but the current from the electric battery may not notice. And only the majestic buildings of the past, which we call megalithic complexes, their engineering structure, make us think about the small, which, multiplied by the power of megaliths, becomes significant. This is the case when the form suggests the content, which at the initial stage can only be a hypothesis.
Obviously, the geology of the city of Jerusalem in Israel is thoroughly studied. The author of this article hopes that this knowledge will not conflict with this article. This article outlines the conditions for the Descent of the Holy Fire in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. The author of this article hopes that these conditions will be perceived with some skepticism, irony and curiosity, and perhaps even interest. It is clear that no one will allow a public experiment in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. Maybe some people think that the author of this article is counting on this? Not at all! It seems that the CHURCH itself should be interested in this. She must know the TRUTH in order not to be helpless once!
There is hope that the material presented and specific examples regarding the influence of geoelectricity are convincing enough to raise doubts and the question arose about TRUTH, which knows how to pretend to be understood.