The relevance of this article is that the article attempts to explain the purpose of the Easter island of megalithic statues of the Moai and the numerous stone platforms of Ahu, located on the coast along the contour of the island.
It is difficult to imagine a modern person who in his life had not heard of the mysterious Easter Island. This topic periodically arises in the media, and especially when regular researchers shed light on the unusual phenomena present on this island. A lot of factual material has already accumulated and it seems that the accumulation stage is about to end. Hypotheses should appear that affect the underlying causes that led to this extraordinary concentration of the mysterious and mysterious.
The author of this article tried to reveal the nature of this mysterious and mysterious. In his research, the author relied on the nature of geoelectricity, which was prepared (private opinion) in previous articles of the author. These studies allowed us to take a different look at the megalithic period in the history of mankind. Step by step, it was possible to explain (private opinion) the purpose of individual megalithic complexes, and this, in the understanding of the author, made it possible to form a connecting thread between the past and the present.
Easter Island made it possible to very clearly illustrate the hypothesis about the nature of tectonic activity described in , and the fight against this phenomenon. The most surprising thing was that the methods of combating tectonic activity in the distant past were based on the mass involvement of wide sections of the population in this struggle. This struggle became total, since each person could contribute to the formation of an influence tool - the flow of geoelectricity from the bowels of the Earth. It is important that a person has an incentive to do this, based on understanding, intuition or belief in something else. The energy of all people, gathered together and directed into the mainstream of common sense, is able to withstand the cataclysms of nature. The issues raised in the article are mainly presented at a qualitative level, that is, at the level of an idea, which corresponds to the title of the article.
Easter Island
For many decades, interest in the small Easter Island has not diminished. Local natives christened him - Rapanui or Rapa Nui. Easter Island is the most remote island on the globe. The distance to a nearby stretch of land in the west is two thousand ninety-two kilometers, and in the east - two thousand nine hundred seventy-one kilometers. 1a. In fig. 1b shows a top view of Easter Island with a corresponding shade of soil, which characterizes a rather sparse vegetation. The island is formed in the shape of a triangle, on each edge of which there are extinct volcanoes. Interest in Easter Island is primarily due to the unusual and numerous stone statues (idols) called moai, mainly located around the perimeter of the island, on the slopes of volcanoes and even in the vents of one of them. Numerous stone statues are not the only attraction on Easter Island.

“Some legends claim that Easter Island was once part of one large country (many consider it to be a surviving part of Atlantis). This looks pretty believable, because today on Easter a lot of evidence was found confirming these legends: there are roads on the island that lead directly to the ocean, a large number of underground tunnels have been dug, originating in local caves and paving the way in an unknown direction, as well as others not less significant information and amazing findings ”. The area of the island is about one hundred and sixty square kilometers. It is located on a huge hill, which was called the East Pacific Upland.
Easter Island was visited by many researchers, including Tour Heyerdahl and Jacques-Yves Cousteau, who at the bottom near the island examined "… the silhouettes of the walls, forming something like a section of a big city" . “In 1973-1977, several American oceanologists studied the ocean troughs near Easter Island … they discovered sixty-five underwater peaks and agreed with the hypothesis of the existence of an unknown archipelago that was in this area tens of thousands of years ago, and then fell into the water” .
On the other hand, “Geological and oceanographic studies near Easter by Chubb confirmed the fact that it did not drop a millimeter, and while the monuments were erected, the coastline was as stable as it is today. This argument was repeated by the Swedish expedition, which established the island's geological stability, which lasts at least a million years ”. In this series of facts there are many that are dedicated to the lifestyle of the indigenous population. His struggle for survival on the island, which is actually the summit of three extinct volcanoes. The fact that people live on the top of the volcano is not their whim, but a consequence of circumstances that were probably present as objectivity long before raising water or lowering the land.
On Easter Island, there are numerous structures that are called akhu platforms and are in the shadow of moai statues both in the literal and figurative sense of the word. At a certain historical stage, these platforms began to be used as the basis for the installation of moai stone statues. This is probably why little attention was paid to these objects, for example, little attention is paid to the podium of winners in sports competitions. Everyone looks at the winners who stand on it, and the pedestal is important with the numbers on it.
All this affects the deep causal connection of the appearance of objects on Easter Island. It would be nice to know the whole story, but who reliably tells it? The surviving writing does not yet answer these questions. The power of Chile is peculiar to the interest of researchers. Therefore, it is more likely to independently draw up a “picture of the world” based on the available facts. Below, we will consider some of the listed artifacts of the past with the aim of combining them into a single "picture of the world", which, according to the author of this article, can make a fresh look at the previous history of the island.
Stone statues of Easter Island
Currently, about 900 statues are known on Easter Island. “It is believed that the statues were made by the natives of the island between 1250 and 1500, but there is no consensus on the issue of their movement around the island. The largest moai weighs over 82 tons ”. First of all, it should be noted that the stone statues of Easter Island differ in size and appearance. In fig. 2a shows various moai in comparison with the contour of a person. “The usual size of moai is 3-5 m. The average width of the base is 1.6 m. The average weight of such statues is less than 5 tons (although a weight of 12.5-13.8 tons is indicated). Less often, the height of the statues is 10-12 m. No more than 30-40 statues have a weight of more than 10 tons. ” fig. 3.

The highest of the newly installed on a pedestal with a height of 9.8 m. All such statues are now quietly installing a 15-ton crane. The highest statues of Easter Island are located on the outer slope of the volcano Rano Raraku rice. 4a. The largest of them is Piropiro, 11.4 m. Many statues are in unfinished condition in the quarries of the volcano Rano Raraku fig. 5a. The round pucao cylinders on the heads of the statues are made of basalt pumice from Puna Pao volcano, but possibly from the same material from closer deposits of rice. 5 B. The weight of stone cylinders is not more than 500-800 kg rice. 5b, less often 1.5–2 tons of rice. 4b.
The color of pumice, depending on the iron content, varies from white and bluish to yellow, brown and black. In this case, the round Pucao cylinders on the heads of the statues are brown or close to it. It is likely that in this case, the Pucao cylinders contain a significant proportion of iron, which can determine the Pucao property not only in color, but also in electrical conductivity. According to the results of archaeological excavations, the famous explorer and traveler Thor Heyerdahl concluded that the history of Easter Island (for the construction of statues and platforms) can be divided into three periods: - early (400-1100 years), in which immigrants who arrived on the island and made their descendants large statues and installed them on the largest and highest quality platforms;
- medium (1100-1680 gg.), when there was a sharp decline in the quality and size of statues and platforms;
- late (1680-1868), when statues of usual size that were previously installed on the platforms were overthrown, after which the statues ceased to be made at all.
In accordance with this chronology, the earliest statue includes statues installed on the outer slope of the volcano Rano Raraku fig. 4a. Many of these statues were buried by deluvium from the slope of the volcano. A characteristic feature of these statues is the lack of eyes, which is not characteristic of late moai statues. “The majority of moai (834, or 95%) was cut down in a large-block tachyllite basalt tuff or tuffite in the quarries of the volcano Rano Raraku” . Tuffites are rocks composed of volcanic and sedimentary material. The content of the latter is less than 50%. It is a fairly soft breed and suitable for processing with stone tools.
The remaining small statues are made of another stone, including: trachyt (22 statues), red basalt pumice (17 statues), basalt (13 statues), mujerite (1 statue). There is an idea that on Easter Island there are no basalt deposits within the coastal strip. In this regard, some researchers believe that basalt quarries can be located below sea level near the island, because they are very ancient, and thus the basalt moai carved from them is more ancient than claimed. Regarding the early moai, “During preliminary exploratory trips to Easter Island, Dr. Schoch found evidence that the earliest moai (those large stone heads and torsos that the island is rightfully famous for) differed significantly from the later moai. The earliest moai, apparently, were made of higher quality of hard basalts, compared with the majority of moai carved from volcanic tuff, dated to later periods ”.
It is likely that this statement is true only as a comparative qualitative assessment. Apparently, we are talking about a more durable volcanic tuff (tuff breccia) - a rock composed almost exclusively of volcanic material (more than 90%). All this only says that the existing chronology of the manufacture of moai is approximate. It is likely that the period of manufacture of moai can be significantly extended towards the early existence of Easter Island.
Platforms (pedestals) akhu on Easter Island
Compared to statues, the moai of the platform (pedestal) on Easter Island are less known to a wide circle of interested people. The author of this article was no exception. And when I had to dive into this topic, it became clear that these platforms literally became a “GIFT OF DESTINY”. This will be understood further, but for now it is just necessary to describe this reality.
On Easter Island, numerous stone structures have been built along the coastline, most of which are elongated rectangles lined on the periphery with processed (originally) stone blocks made of basalt tuff (very hard and heavy material), well ground together or with a torn stone (depending from the platform), forming a space inside this structure, filled with a small torn stone mixed with sand and soil, that is, something like “clogging” the empty space was done. It should be noted that the upper faces of the stone blocks form a horizontal plane. The same condition is typical for other platforms. From this construction towards the island adjoins a certain semblance of an inclined ramp made of soil and sand, which is decoratively decorated with stones. Some researchers believe that the so-called ramp was formed as a result of the flow of ocean waves carrying stones, sand, etc. 6 shows the design of a typical platform.

The sizes of these structures are very diverse in length from fairly small to 150 m and more than 4 m in height. The width of these structures is several meters. “On a tiny island, there are at least 313 platforms that form an almost continuous line around the coast - except for those places where there are high cliffs (although there are several at the edges of these rocks). They accumulate near caves or zones favorable for agriculture, in those areas that are suitable for habitation ”.
As previously noted, the ahu platforms and moai statues in the heads of many are inextricably linked, such as a plaster bust for someone and a stand for him. It should be noted that not all researchers share this opinion, motivating this by the fact that the moai statue needs a rigid foundation, and not a “backfill” in the platform. And this is convincing enough! With modern reconstruction, the moai on the platform are not shy about using cement for the strength of the joints.
Why were the largest and earliest moai statues erected?
In this section, we will consider the statues installed on the slope of the volcano Rano Raraku, which were mostly buried by deluvium from the slope of the volcano. Without exaggeration, such statues can be called megaliths. If these statues were cut down without external decoration in the form of a human likeness, then these statues would not differ much from ordinary menhirs installed in some places.
In early articles, the author analyzed in sufficient detail the question of the designation from an engineering point of view of individual megalithic complexes in the British Isles , , on the island of Malta , Egypt , and everywhere the purpose of megalithic complexes was reduced in fact, to one task - to activate the output of geoelectricity from the surface of the earth to the space above the ground. This was carried out due to the acoustic effect on the quartz-containing megalith or its separate element. Upon acoustic exposure, the quartz components generated an alternating electric field, which released electrons on the surface of the earth into the environment above the earth. Their further spread was only up.
As for the moai statues, basalt, and, consequently, the basalt tuff from which the early moai statues are made, contains quartz inclusions. This allows us to draw an analogy between the statues of moai and menhirs in megalithic complexes.
Mounted moai statues on the slopes of Rano Raraku volcano are open to air currents over Easter Island. These air currents themselves can be a source of mechanical impact on the statues. The carved nostrils, the nose itself and the eye sockets on the statues, and the statues themselves, can be a whole source of sound when they flow around them with an air stream. That is, these statues can themselves be a source of sound, which, in particular, will affect the quartz inclusions in the statues, thus creating an alternating electric field. The acoustic impact can also be the ocean around the island, the sound of the surf and any other.
It is likely that the sound from the statues could be perceived by the locals as a conversation between them or with them.
The alternating electric field created by acoustic influences in the moai statues is itself a favorable medium for the propagation of electrons of geoelectricity. Spreading over the statue and its surface, the electrons reach its upper part, where the red pucao cylinder from pumice is located. It was previously noted that red pumice in its composition contains iron, which suggests its relatively increased electrical conductivity. Thus, a porous pumice stone can serve as an analogue of a hollow sphere and concentrate electricity on the external surface, and porosity on its surface creates many fine lines from which electricity can drain off the tip. This design is an analog of a static electricity generator. And with intensive drainage of electricity from the edges of the red cylinder, this design becomes a pump of geoelectricity. It is likely that such an explanation puts equality between menhirs and moai statues. It is safe to say that if there is a red (black) cylinder on the moai statue, then this statue is a pump of geoelectricity. This can be extended to smaller moai statues.
Let's say that this is true and the statues on Easter Island are pumps of geoelectricity.
In this case, an enhanced flow of geoelectricity from the depths of the earth's crust to its surface is formed under the surface of Easter Island. What is it for? It turns out it is necessary to reduce volcanic activity on the island. For people living on a small island, and even with volcanoes, this is the most important task for survival. It is necessary that the volcano does not destroy all life.
Volcanic activity is largely determined by the state of the asthenosphere, located in the upper mantle of the Earth under the earth's crust. The asthenosphere consists of magma, which under certain conditions can escape to the surface of the Earth. One of these conditions is its temperature. In accordance with hypothesis , the heating of the asthenosphere occurs due to electric currents in it. To reduce the temperature of the asthenosphere in any of its sections, it is necessary to reduce the electric current in this section. This means taking part of the electrons at this site and directing them towards the earth's crust. At first glance, this task seems fantastic, but if you install a geoelectricity pump on the Earth’s surface, which draws electrons from the Earth’s surface into airspace, you can create a potential difference that will constantly create a flow of geoelectricity from the bowels of the Earth to its surface.
It can be unequivocally argued that this idea itself could not have arisen in the heads of the indigenous inhabitants of Easter Island, busy with the issue of survival. This idea belongs to a developed civilization that has recognized the nature of Earth tectonics. It follows that the early moai statues on the slopes of the volcano Rano Raraku were made and installed during this civilization.
Why were you installed ahu platforms
A large number of akhu platforms on Easter Island, installed around the perimeter of the island and, interestingly, in places with fertile land, were previously noted. This principle of choosing a place with fertile land exactly corresponds to the location of megalithic temples on the island of Malta . This approach guarantees freer access to geoelectricity and it can be assumed that akhu platforms as well as moai statues on the slopes of Rano Raraku volcano and megalithic temples on the island of Malta are pumps of geoelectricity and this is justified.
The stone blocks bordering the akhu platform are either basaltic or its “derivatives” (basaltic tuff, etc.), and, therefore, there are inclusions of quartz in them. The boot with which the internal space of the platforms is filled, it is possible that it is also quartz-containing.
The proximity to the coastline creates favorable conditions for acoustic impact on the akh platform due to the noise of the surf, the interaction of air flows and ocean waves, etc.
It can be argued that akhu platforms, like moai statues, are pumps that draw geoelectricity from the bowels of the earth to its surface. Thus, someone created a whole system of structures covering the entire Easter island, including several volcanoes.
In , it was argued that an increased level of the flow of geoelectricity from the bowels of the earth can affect the activity of earthquakes. For Easter Island, this is also true. There have never been high-rise buildings on this island with engineering structures, technical power supply facilities, or anything else familiar to us, but there were people on this island who wanted to live. An earthquake in the ocean often provokes huge tsunami waves that can change the island beyond recognition and put a bullet in the history of human life on it.
Earthquakes occur in places of monstrous compression (tension, shear) of a substance at the moment of loss of mechanical stability. In this case, a rock shift occurs in these places and this movement as a wave propagates in all directions. If there is a flow of geoelectricity in these places, they are heated, which reduces the maximum allowable voltage at which there is a loss of mechanical stability. As a result, the rock shift becomes less energetic, and the perceived earthquake will be weaker.
Thus, moai statues and akhu platforms, together creating a stream of geoelectricity from the bowels of the earth, simultaneously solve the problem of reducing tectonic activity, both on the island itself and in its surrounding environment.
Why did they install smaller moai statues on platforms?
It is uniquely difficult to answer this, but there are several factors that suggest that these were intuitively meaningful actions:
- Finished smaller moai statues are similar in appearance to the earlier moai statues. They had places for eyes that were said to be colored with coral. The material from which these moai were made contains a larger percentage of sedimentary rocks. This made it softer and could be worked with a stone hammer;
- On the heads of these moai there was a red or black cylinder made of pumice. Later builders completely repeated the components of the early construction, which convinces the same purpose of the early and late moai as geoelectricity pumps.
It remains unclear why the late moai began to be installed on platforms.
At the moment, these would be meaningful actions. Installing the moai statue on the platform is equivalent to connecting the two pumps in series. Total power should be higher. But how to determine this, if the electricity that is pumped from the Earth by the human senses cannot be measured, and the inhabitants of Easter Island did not know electricity at all.
It is likely that the case intervened. It was previously noted that there were several statues of moai of the usual size on the island, but from a different material. It is possible that once one or more of these statues were installed on platforms, for example for aesthetic reasons. At night, unexpectedly for residents, these statues began to emit flashes of light (discharges of electricity). For a person of even our time, surges of electricity in the church of the Holy Sepulcher for Easter are perceived as a MIRACLE. One can only speculate about the reaction of local residents of Easter Island to this phenomenon. Perhaps they suggested that the statues came to life, and they are endowed with a mysterious and magical power that can protect them from evil if asked to worship them.
This is all, of course, an assumption, but within the framework of physical laws. After that, each family or resident wanted to create an individual patron. So hundreds of moai statues were cut down.
It should be noted that with the installation of moai statues on platforms, the fight against tectonic activity only increased. Time has passed. The part of the asthenosphere under Easter Island has cooled so much that it has become colder and partially hardened. The danger of tectonic activity on the island disappeared. Along with this, the access of geoelectricity to the surface of Easter Island has become less accessible. The level of the upward flow of geoelectricity decreased and the moai statues on the ahu platforms ceased to glow. After that, they were overthrown from their pedestal.
This reconstruction of events does not claim to be reliable, but figuratively explains the possible physical processes in the bowels of the Earth and their manifestation on the surface of the island.
What can an excessive struggle with tectonic activity lead to?
In the numerous drawings in this article, you can pay attention to the very scarce vegetation on Easter Island. Existing ideas about the course of history on this island suggest that all the lush vegetation in the early period was spent on the manufacture and delivery of moai statues. But they are no longer manufactured for several hundred years, and during this period the plant nature has not become better, even in the twentieth century. Really, modern residents do not want to have a well-groomed green corner near their home. It is clear that Easter Island is a protected area under high patronage. In 1995, Rapanui National Park (Easter Island) became a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Currently, the vegetation is very sparse. According to one version, between the 9th and 17th centuries there was an active felling of trees. According to another version, the trees died due to a long-term drought recorded during this period of time, which led to the disappearance of the forests on the island.
If we rely on the proposed reconstruction of events, it should be noted that the total struggle to create an “individual patron” at the first stage increased the flow of geoelectricity from the asthenosphere to the surface of the earth’s crust under Easter Island. If more current is passed through the electrical conductor, then the electrical conductor will heat up more. This probably also happened with the conductor of geoelectricity under Easter Island. The land under the island warmed up, changing the conditions for the growth of plants. As a result, many plants died. The effects of this heating are felt today. True “In recent decades, a small shoot of eucalyptus has begun to appear on the island. In the XVIII-XIX centuries grapes, banana, melon, and sugarcane were brought to the island ”.
In connection with the heating of the earth's crust under Easter Island, various natural gases could be released, which are able to inhibit the vegetation and wildlife on the island. In the same way, greenhouse gases can be released.
If the hypothesis stated is based on the true laws of nature, then one should recognize the existence of a highly educated civilization in the past, which was able not only to understand the nature of tectonic activity, but also to relatively successfully counteract this negative phenomenon for humanity and all biota.
People believed that the moai statues would help them and protect them from negative manifestations of nature, and it turned out that this was TRUTH! But it turned out that this desire should have reasonable restrictions. Excessive struggle with tectonic activity can lead to a change in the temperature state of the soil, which can adversely affect the flora and fauna.
In this article, attention was drawn to the fact that Easter Island researchers, comparing the polygonal laying of blocks in the ahu platforms and the polygonal laying in megalithic complexes of South America, noted their similarity. It can be assumed that individual megalithic complexes in the form of strange walls in the highlands of South America could be similar tools to combat tectonic activity. It can also be assumed that similar technology was ubiquitous.
It is especially important for the author of this article that the ancient technology of fighting tectonic activity, which was used on Easter Island, largely coincides with the proposed methods in and .
It can be argued that Easter Island with its secrets is actually an outstretched hand of help to today's civilization from an obscure and mysterious past. Our task is to gratefully accept this helping hand and comprehend these phenomena. If we do this, we will save ourselves and our entire civilization. Is this not a worthy goal of the scientific community?