They don’t cry when they’re hungry, they just open their mouth and mommy comes by with a little worm or something else she picked up to feed their little. You know, this act of feeding between birds is really interesting.
You wonder why, right? Well, baby birds need to be feed every half-hour, so how does the mommy bird know when to feed them right on time? That’s not all!
The act of feeding itself it’s also interesting. Some of the mother birds takes food and put the food into the baby bird’s mouth and the other moms only take the food, chew it and then the baby bird eats it from their mouth alone.
Now that you know more about birds and their development related to food until they grow up, let’s see them how do they look when they’re hungry and how their mom takes care of that by feeding them in the mouth. Attention! You will be melted by these photos, seriously!