Fennec — the desert fox

Fennec a.k.a. the desert fox a.k.a Vulpes Zerda is a very small fox with a grotesquely large ears. In their natural habitat in Tunis and Algeria fennecs are hunting for large insects and small lizards through the night and spending their days sleeping in the burrows or other natural shelters. Such kind of living made fennecs awesomely big eared and unbearably cute.

10 interesting facts about fennecs

  1. Fennec is the smallest specie of canidae family on our planet.
  2. The word “Fennec” means fox in Arabic.
  3. Fennecs’ hearing is so sharp they could hear a prey moving underground 30 meters away.
  4. Fennecs’ ears are so large not only to help them hear better but mostly for the better dissipation of body heat in the harsh conditions of the North African desert.
  5. Some African tribes prize fennec’s fur more than gold.
  6. The soles of fennec’s feet are furry to help them walk on the hot sand.
  7. Though fennecs’ have never been domesticated they are considered exotic pets.
  8. Visiting the dedicated Fennec Zoo in Tunis will cost you 10 Tunisian Dinars which is about $7.
  9. Hunting for small birds fennecs can jump upto almost one meter high.
  10. Fennecs’ families are lasting live long (up to 10 years). When the fennec female is caring about their pups, fennec male is protecting them and providing them with food.

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