10 most dangerous roads to the school

Fortunately (or unfortunately) for millions of children around the world a new school year has started. But in some countries, school education is an unaffordable luxury.

Many children are forced to travel to school by unbelievable and unimaginable ways to get an education, which many of us take for granted. We are impressed by the courage and determination of students who follow such a hard way to get knowledge.

most dangerous roads to the school
5-hour narrow road through the mountains to the most remote schools in the world. Gulu, China
most dangerous roads to the school
5-hour narrow road through the mountains to the most remote schools in the world. Gulu, China
most dangerous roads to the school
The wooden stairs without insurance. Southern China
most dangerous roads to the school
The wooden stairs without insurance. Southern China
most dangerous roads to the school
At a boarding school across the Himalayas. Zanskar, India
most dangerous roads to the school
A steel cable length of 800 meters above the river Rio Negro. Colombia
most dangerous roads to the school
A steel cable length of 800 meters above the river Rio Negro. Colombia
most dangerous roads to the school
At school by canoe. Riau, Indonesia
most dangerous roads to the school
Through the forest along the bridge from the roots of trees. India
most dangerous roads to the school
At the school at Buffalo. Myanmar
most dangerous roads to the school
In school auto-rickshaw. Beldanga, India
most dangerous roads to the school
During a blizzard by the broken bridge. Sichuan, China
most dangerous roads to the school
At school on a wooden boat. Pangururan, Indonesia

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