New England men are tough

  1. New England men are so tough, that they aren’t drinking coffee – they are eating it right out of the pack.
  2. New England hockey players are so tough, that they are playing hockey with the crow-bars.
  3. New England mosquitoes are so tough, that they are sucking their own blood.
  4. New England babies are so tough, that they are eating apples without waiting for Tooth fairy.
  5. New England beer is so tough, that it’s stronger than tequila, rum, whiskey and any other liqueur on the Earth.
  6. New England woodpeckers are so tough, that they have dug two railroad tunnels.
  7. New England hit-men are so tough, that they are making ten final shots.
  8. New England men are so tough, that they are shaving with the chain-sows.
  9. New England lawnmowers are so tough, that they are cutting woods.
  10. New England astronauts are so tough, that they are walking out for a smoke from the space station.
  11. New England hair stylists are so tough, that their customers wearing helmets.
  12. New England vaginae are so tough, that they are biting gynecologist’s fingers.
  13. New England men are so tough, that they are feeling cold in the sauna.
  14. New England liqueurs are so tough, that it were prohibited in 190 countries as weapon of mass destruction.
  15. New England men are so tough, that they are using jet engines as fans.
  16. New England men are so tough, that they are using sandpaper in toilet.
  17. New England weathervanes are so tough, that they are pointing the right direction to the wind.
  18. New England satanists are so tough, that the Satan is afraid of them.
  19. New England postmen are so tough, that they are biting every dog they’ve meet.
  20. New England web designers are so tough, that they are using MS Paint.

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